Paid Trade

A Price Guessing Game

Hi there!

Welcome to the official Paid Trade website.

Paid Trade is a frustratingly addictive quiz game where you have to guess if a random product is worth more than the one you currently possess.

The worth of the products is based on Amazon prices.

How good are YOU at estimating the value of a completely random item? Try it out on Steam now!


This game is a one man project. If you encounter any bugs or have other problems let me know! All feedback is appreciated.

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Donec non ligula imperdiet, tincidunt quam ut, pellentesque nisi
Mauris a sem semper, maximus metus vitae, efficitur turpis
Nunc sit amet massa id sem pretium luctus
Nunc elementum arcu sit amet erat sodales fringilla
Cras condimentum venenatis aliquet

Contact Information

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Or report any bugs?

Jonas Tag

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